Ford Fokus>> Drive of forward wheels>> Check грязезащитных covers of a drive of wheels
Check spend in a following order:
- Establish a forward part of the car on support, reliably having fixed it;
- Turn a steering wheel as far as possible on the left and to the right. Rotating a hand a wheel which is turned outside, examine a protective cover of the external hinge on presence of cracks, cuts, attritions. If the such are available, the hinge long will not serve. For check of a protective cover of the internal hinge it is necessary to lay down under the car, and the assistant thus should rotate a wheel slowly;
- Check up an inhaling of collars;
- Traces замасливания covers testify to presence at them defects;
- Look, whether there are greasing traces on a ground and car details, and establish as soon as possible the reason. Otherwise will soon deal with the destroyed hinge. The internal hinge at factory is filled with special greasing in number of 100 г (iB5) and 125 г (МТХ). For external hinges the quantity of greasing makes 100 г, at replacement of covers it is enough 60 г greasing MoS2. The company Ford applies greasing under specification SM-1C75-A or SQH-1C9004-A;

Fig. 233. The internal hinge: 1 — an external collar; 2 — an internal collar

– At the control грязезащитных covers of drives of shaft should be checked reliability of connections external 1 (fig. 233) and internal 2 collars. Seats of covers with semiaxes should be faultlessly pure.