Ford Fokus>> System of release of the fulfilled gases>> Practical advice for work with system of release of the fulfilled gases
Through corrosion can be eliminated by means of welding, but it only for short time. Special шпаклевка or a bandage keep longer, but, by experience corrosion will appear again near to repair places. For systems of release with number of mufflers it is more than one quite often occurs that after replacement of one of mufflers of the second again fails. Therefore, as a rule, the service centres change system entirely. And still, before will start to work with release system, examine it and solve, whether it is necessary to replace separate parts or system entirely.
Order of performance of works the following:
- Lift the car and steadily fix on supports;
- Remove the rusted carving connections, for assemblage use only new fixture, washers and linings;
- Replace with new all rubber details of a suspension bracket of system;
- If system details earlier were already replaced, divide butt connections of pipes is better in нагретом a condition. The service centres use for this purpose gas torches — the good household gas torch also will approach for this purpose. Protect your hands and eyes at such works as working gloves and points, prepare also the fire extinguisher;
Practical advice
Before to apply a torch try at first rust solvent.
- Disconnect pipes strong rotary motions, with additional support — easy blows of a hammer;
- If it has not helped, cut off trumpet connection of the defective muffler exactly on 10 sm behind a junction. The pipe rest надпилите ножовкой on length of a pipe also move apart a strong screw-driver.