Engine installation
The Expert-compressor 25
Starter 20
Скоба intermediate пожшипника a shaft of a drive of wheels 27
Final collector (block head) 23
The terminator of a list 48
The list terminator (the central bolt) 120
Pressure head трубопроводгидроусилителя a steering 10
Amortizatornaja rack (nut) 48
The generator (arm of a support of engine M10) 50
The generator (arm of a support of engine M8) 28
The generator (the block of cylinders) 42
Wire of the traction relay of a starter 6
Wire of a starter 12
Wire of "weight" 35
Support of the engine 83
Support of the engine (body) 83
Engine support (arm of the hydraulic booster of a steering) 47
The cross-section lever (rotary fist) 83
The mechanism of a tension of a belt of the hydraulic booster of a steering 24
Cover of a belt of a drive of auxiliary units 10
The block of cylinders
The radical bearing
1st stage 27
2nd stage to tighten on 75
The gauge of frequency of rotation of a cranked shaft 10
Arm of the gauge of frequency 21
The engine with a transmission 40
Cover of the bearing of a rod
1st stage 25
2nd stage to tighten on 60
3rd stage to tighten on 20
Back cover 20
Pulley of a cranked shaft 35
Flywheel bolts
1st stage 18
2nd stage to tighten on 45
3rd stage to tighten on 45
Демпфер a cranked shaft
1st stage 90
2nd stage to tighten on 90
The vacuum pump 22
Cooling system
Drain stopper of a radiator 23
Arm of a hose of the cooling
- Liquids (the block of cylinders) 50
The case of the thermostat 23
The gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid 20
Radiator (auxiliary frame) 10
Broad tank 10
Pulley of the pump of a cooling liquid 23
Cover of the thermostat 9
The case of the thermostat 23
The pump of a cooling liquid 12
Greasing system
Internal bolts (an oil radiator, турбонагнетатель) 10
Ventilation картера 25
Drain stopper 25
The gauge of pressure 20
The oil filter 18
The oil pump (the block of cylinders) 29
The return pipeline (the vacuum pump) 16
Oil картер 10
The pressure head pipeline (турбокомпрессор) 18
The pressure head pipeline (турбокомпрессор,
- The block of cylinders) 50
Head of the block of cylinders
Inlet collector (head of the block of cylinders) 23
Final collector 23
Candle накаливания 15
Candle накаливания (wire) 2
Elevating eye 23
Маслосборник 20
The vacuum pipeline 22
The clown 45
Bolts of a head of the block (long)
1st stage 20
2nd stage 54
3 stage to tighten on 160
Bolts of a head of the block (short)
1st stage 20
2nd stage 54
3rd stage to tighten on 160
Camshaft pulley (М10) 48
Camshaft pulley (М8) 35
Cover of the bearing of a camshaft 23
Cover of a gear belt 8
The bottom cover of a gear belt 10
Натяжитель a gear belt 68
Натяжитель a gear belt (М10) 50
Натяжитель a gear belt (М8) 10
Fuel system
Atomizers 23
The pressure head pipeline 25
The fuel pump of a high pressure (ТНВД) 23
Fixing bolt ТНВД 12
Clamp (atomizer) 24
The fuel filter 23
Cover of an epiploon 10
Pulley ТНВД 42
Asterisk ТНВД 33
System of release of the fulfilled gases
The return pipeline 16
Katalitichesky neutralizer 40
Arm of a final collector
(The block of cylinders) 51
Arm 23
Oil radiator (plugs) 10
Oil radiator (bolts) 25
Турбонагнетатель 24
Mechanical transmission
Starter (transmission) 35
Shaft of a drive of wheels (nut) 316
Скоба the intermediate bearing of a drive of wheels 25
Arm of the storage battery 25
The terminator of a list (transmission) 48
The list terminator (auxiliary framework) 48
Bolt of system of ventilation 14
Nut absorber racks 47
The engine with a transmission 47
Carter of a transmission 32
Katalitichesky neutralizer 47
Katalitichesky neutralizer (arm) 24
Spherical finger of the hinge (the cross-section lever, a rotary fist) 47
Tube of system coolings (transmission) 48
The working cylinder of coupling 10
Cooler наддувочного air 10
Arm of the bearing 34
Cooler air line наддувочного air 10
Support of the engine (nut) 48
Engine support (the central nut) 133
Engine support (transmission arm) 80
Masloslivnaja stopper 45
Maslonalivnaja stopper 45
Nut of a nave of a wheel 85
The switch of light of a backing 10
Switch pin (a management shaft
- Gear change) 28
The switching lever (the shaft lever) 30
The switching lever (switching shaft) 40
Side scene switchings (case) 10
Gear wheel of differential 88
The valve of a hydrodrive of coupling 10
Forward suspension bracket
Rotary fist (pin ABS) 9
Shaft of a drive of wheels (nut) 316
Brake скоба 28
Support absorber racks 48
Bolt absorber racks (a rotary fist) 90
The bearing of the top support
- absorber racks 25
Coupler bolt (рейка the steering mechanism) 26
Coupler bolt (shaft of a steering column) 28
Spherical support (the cross-section lever) 50
The steering mechanism 80
Shaft of a steering 35
The cross-section lever (an axis of the cross-section lever, back bolts) 200
The cross-section lever (an axis of the cross-section lever, forward bolts) 115
Coupling bolt of the cross-section lever 50
Draught of the stabilizer of cross-section stability 50
Скоба draughts of the stabilizer
1st stage 50
2nd stage 70
Nut of a nave of a wheel 85
Steering draught 80
Steering draught (самоконтрящаяся a nut) 63
Tip of steering draught (rotary fist) 47
The hinge 28
Back suspension bracket
Support of an axis 66
Brake скоба 28
The cross-section lever 115
Nave of a wheel 235
The stabilizer of cross-section stability (bolts) 48
Rack of the stabilizer 15
The shock-absorber (top), except Turnier 18
The shock-absorber (top), Turnier 115
The shock-absorber (rotary fist) 115
Longitudinal draught (body) 115
The pipeline 65
Drive of a steering 80
Nut of a steering wheel 50
Bolts of fastening of a steering column 23
The pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering 25
Brake system
The vacuum amplifier of brakes 23
The brake pipeline (nut М10) 17
The brake pipeline (nut М12) 20
Brake скоба 28
The lever of a lay brake (body) 20
The main brake cylinder
(The vacuum amplifier) 20
The pipeline (a nut — the cylinder) 8