Ford Fokus>> Ignition system>> The general data>> Car elements the ignitions connected with system
The pressure gauge measures pressure in an inlet collector and hands over the information in the management block. The pressure size is defined on change of its resistance.
The detonation gauge. In its basis lies пьезокерамика – a material which is used for a long time already in lighters instead of silicon. Пьезокерамика transforms mechanical energy, at a stretching or compression, into electric pressure. At detonation burning on the engine characteristic vibrations, sufficient for gauge operation are felt. He feels fluctuations and transfers to their block of management. The ignition moment in cylinders is immediately corrected towards installation of later ignition before restoration of normal combustion. The maximum range of regulation makes 15 . After installation of normal combustion, after small endurance, the ignition moment again starts to be displaced in a direction of installation of earlier ignition.
The gauge of frequency of rotation. The inductive gauge contains a rod magnet with the polar probe and the coil of inductance with two conclusions. When the tooth on a wheel or a rotor passes near to the core of the summer resident, changes of a magnetic stream directed by him create an alternating voltage in the coil. For signal formation about the valid position of a cranked shaft in ВМТ on a flywheel for the first and last cylinders two segments are made.