Ford Fokus>> Ignition system>> Work with ignition system>> Check of the gauge of pressure of air in an inlet collector
For check of the gauge of pressure of air execute the following:
- Remove a hose from the gauge of pressure and close an aperture of a hose a finger;
- Start the engine by means of the assistant and finish frequency of rotation of a cranked shaft to 2000 mines-1;
- At such indicator of frequency of rotation again connect a hose to the gauge;
- As on the gauge there was again a vacuum the management block should correct the ignition moment. At identical position of a pedal of an accelerator frequency of rotation of a cranked shaft should increase;
- If frequency of rotation remains to a constant, it specifies on негерметичность a hose or malfunction of the gauge of pressure. The engine reacts to it decrease in capacity and increase in toxicity of the fulfilled gases.