Works on removal and transmission installation in various combinations on engines are substantially identical. We will stop on a variant with engine Endura-DI. Workshops Ford at these works use the following special tool:
- The adjusting adaptation 308-273 (21140);
- The adaptation for capture of the engine 303-290 (21140);
- Adapter for 303-290, 303-290-1 (2114001);
- Adapter for 303-290, 303-290-03 (2114005);
- Adapter for 303-290, 303-290-05 (2114005);
- Adapter for 303-290, 303-290-06 (2114006);
- The adaptation for removal of power shafts 308-237 (16087).
Transmission removal spend in the following sequence:
- Remove a wire of "weight" from the negative plug of the storage battery;
- Turn on on 5 turns of a nut of rods of forward shock-absorbers;
- Remove the air filter together with a sleeve;
- Remove a cooler air inlet наддувочного air and a cooler;
- Remove wires from candles накаливания and atomizers;
- Disconnect a contact socket from the fan electric motor;
- Disconnect a contact socket from the switch of light of a backing and from the gauge of speed and remove a plait of wires from a transmission;
- Remove the fan;
- Remove каталитический neutralizer together with сильфоном from a final collector;
- Establish the gear change lever in neutral position and fix;
- Lift the car;
- Remove a contact socket from a starter;
- Remove cross-section levers of a forward suspension bracket;
- Remove both shaft of a drive of wheels. It is important, that thus you did not create in hinges of the big corners: the maximum bend angle of the internal hinge makes 18 , external — 45 . Close apertures in a transmission a pure rag against oil leak;
- Disconnect the mechanism of management of a transmission;
- Remove a belt of a drive of auxiliary units;
- Lower the car;
- Disconnect a tube from the working cylinder of coupling and cautiously tie up a wire. Wash out places of hit of a brake liquid cold water;
- Remove an oil separator;
- Fix the power unit by means of various adaptations and prepare for an automobile jack wide enough prorate under oil картер;
- Lower slightly power unit;
- Remove back support of the engine;
- Cautiously lift the car;
- Turn away bolts of fastening of a transmission to the engine, having left two, and remove an arm of the pipeline of the hydraulic booster of a steering;
- Incline the power unit forward and prop up wooden брусками (length about 300 mm);
- Fix a transmission that it has not fallen, and turn out two bottom bolts;
- Remove a transmission.
Transmission installation spend to sequences, return to removal, thus:
- Use only new самоконтрящиеся nuts;
- Remove air from a coupling hydrodrive as it is described earlier;
- Adjust the mechanism of management of a transmission as it is described earlier;
- Start up the engine and warm up it to working temperature. Check up tightness of connections and reliability of carving fastenings;
- Make a trial trip run not less than 20 km. In this time electronic control systems of the engine and the car should be activated. If you find out failures in engine work, for example non-uniformity of rotation of a cranked shaft of the engine idling, поезжайте on specialised station Ford where to you will reprogram the management block anew;
- After a trial trip again check up levels of working liquids, reliability of fixing connections and tightness шланговых.