Ford Fokus>> The power supply system>> Search of malfunctions of the fuel pump
The relay of the fuel pump includes the fuel pump, and fuel moves to atomizers. The safety relay works, when the engine does not work, and ignition is included (the block of management does not receive signals about number of turns). This relay is switched off in the management block through the safety switch and interrupts pump power supplies. So, for example, in case of failure gasoline cannot arrive in the engine. Check of the fuel pump is a work most likely for the service centres. Thereupon for search of errors we will be limited to following points:
- Switch off ignition;
- Disconnect топливопровод a submitting highway on the distributor, thus prepare rags for the poured out gasoline;
- Already at the switched off engine there can be a gasoline quantity as the system is under pressure;
- Include for short time ignition, not including a starter;
- If the pump does not start to work, check up once again a safety lock or the safety relay;
- If fuel does not arrive, check up the pump relay;
- At serviceable relays the fuel pump should earn;
- Otherwise uncover under a back seat and cautiously knock on the pump case with a small hammer — sometimes helps;
- Check up correctness of connection of wires to the fuel pump;
- If the pump does not work, check up pressure with the help диодного the bridge (the usual control lamp can damage the management block). Do not forget to include ignition before;
- If pressure is normal, means the pump is damaged or there is a breakage in a chain. It is necessary to replace the pump with the new.

Fig. 188. A design of the fuel pump: 1 — a bringing highway; 2 — редукционный the valve; 3 — the filter case; 4 — the fuel pump with the electric drive; 5 — the return valve; 6 — a submitting highway

- If the pump works, but on топливопроводу fuel does not arrive, means the fuel filter or itself топливопровода (fig. 188) is hammered.