Ford Fokus>> The power supply system>> Drive throttle заслонки
On cars with the diesel engine communication between a pedal of an accelerator and throttle заслонкой electric, and on the contrary, on all cars Focus with the petrol engine a mechanical drive. If the drive in подкапотном space is laid not faultlessly, it can spoil to you nerves. For example, because of the complicated course of a pedal of an accelerator the engine starts to howl at each gear change as efforts of a returnable spring becomes insufficient. To avoid jamming of a drive do not forget to grease its elements, especially right after an engine sink.
5.10.1. Replacement of a drive of a pedal of an accelerator by cars with engines Zetec-SE/E
For replacement of a drive of a pedal of an accelerator execute the following:
- Remove from the engine an air intake sleeve to the air filter;

Fig. 191. Removal of a drive of a pedal of an accelerator in подкапотном space

- Take out a cable of a pedal of an accelerator from the holder (fig. 191);
- Take out a cable from a clip;
- Remove facing for feet in salon;

Fig. 192. Removal of a drive of an accelerator from a pedal

- Remove a drive c accelerator pedals (fig. 192);
- Drive installation spend to sequences, return to removal. Before installation grease a rubber tip with a thin layer of technical vaseline.