Ford Fokus>> Brake system>> Removal of a brake hose
Removal of a brake hose spend in the following sequence:
- Turn away a nut of fastening of a hose, thus the hose should not be overwound. The majority of hoses is protected from перекручивания by means of steel clips, do not forget about them at installation;
- Installation finish in sequence, return to removal, watch, that hoses were not bent;
- Remove air from a hydrodrive of brake system as it was described earlier;

Fig. 287. Connection of a brake hose: 1 — a spring clip; 2 — the brake pipeline; 3 — an arm; 4 — a brake hose; 5 — a key

- Necessarily check, that the hose at suspension bracket movement did not stretch, check up it after a long trip (fig. 287 and 288).

Fig. 288. A forward brake hose