Ford Fokus>> Introduction>> Periodic service and care of the car>> Check of level of oil in a mechanical transmission
Modern трансмиссионные oils are calculated now on long term of operation. Mechanical transmission of car Focus not an exception, at factory refuels oil with long term of operation. On a transmission surface the easy oil fog is supposed. If you онаружите dense oil stains, clear them from a surface and check up oil level, if necessary add. Periodically check level of oil and accept it as a rule.
In transmissions of cars Focus universal synthetic oil is used . After transmission repair it is necessary to add oil of that mark that has been filled in earlier. Refuelling of a transmission by oil spend in the workshops having the special equipment: pumps for всасывания and pouring.
You can add a small amount of oil in a transmission by means of an oil syringe. iB-5 oil level should be in a model transmission on 10—15 mm below a jellied mouth, on model МТХ-75 — on 5 mm below mouth level.