Ford Fokus>> Introduction>> The tool
Fig. 11. A set шлицевых and crosswise screw-drivers with the corrugated handle
Fig. 12. A set of wrenches dimension from 6 to 19 mm. A set of the combined keys in the sizes 10, 13, 17, 19 mm
Fig. 13. A candle key. A special face key with a rubber insert
Fig. 14. Shestigrannye keys in the size from 2 to 8 mm
Fig. 15. This tool helps to bend, fix, turn details: 1 — пассатижы; 2 — бокорез; 3 — pincers
Fig. 16. For the details sensitive to blows, apply polymeric or rubber hammers: 1 — a metalwork hammer; 2 — polymeric and rubber hammers
Fig. 17. 1 — a core, with its help apertures for drilling plan; 2 — small beards in the size of 3-6 mm it is applied at assembly and dismantling works on the chassis, the engine and brakes; 3 — a flat chisel with the tempered working edge, with its help you can release the deformed or rusted carving connections
Fig. 18. The tool applied at works with electroconducting and an electric equipment: 1 — пассатижи with handles from изоляционного a material; 2 — опрессовочные pincers; 3 — шлицевые 1, 2, 3 mm and crosswise screw-drivers with handles from изоляционного a material; 4 — a phase lamp tester
Fig. 19. At work in подкапотном space under the car use a switched key with a rattle 2 and corresponding face heads. For works with the closed premises you will be helped by a box for tools on castors: 1 — a box with the tool; 2 — a key
Good results of repair work can be reached in the presence of the special tool. The bad tool can already not consult with the first rusty bolt, will create to you problems and will spoil mood. At purchase of the tool pay attention to quality — the good tool has also the good price, you will not find it in the building markets or in trading houses. It can be got in specialised shop with a guarantee. With it it will be pleasant to you to work, and it will serve you long and truly (a Fig. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19).