Ford Fokus>> Introduction>> The tool>> It is useful to fill up the complete set of the automobile tool
It is necessary to fill up your automobile complete set of the tool not to stand on road with a punctured wheel. Also it makes sense to have in the car the repair manual, a jack, a screw-driver, крестовый баллонный a key.

Fig. 20. Check up the automobile complete set of the tool: 1 — a towing cable; 2 — крестовый баллонный a key; 3 — dimensional lamps; 4 — wires for start-up of the engine from an external source; 5 — safety locks; 6 — an insulating tape; 7 — a spare wire; 8 — flat-nose pliers; 9 — a portable lamp

Check up the road tool of your car Focus and, probably, fill up it as even the best tool in your garage is useless when on the journey empty-handed face to a punctured wheel. It will be necessary for you a jack, крестовый баллонный a key 2 (fig. 20), a screw-driver. At bad contact in electroconnection flat-nose pliers 8, an additional wire 7 and an insulating tape 6 can be useful. Also 3 and spare safety locks 5, a towing cable 1 or rigid сцепка, wires dimensional lamps are necessary for start-up of the engine from an external source 4 and a portable lamp 9.