Ford Fokus>> Brake system>> Replacement of brake overlays>> Installation of overlays on a forward wheel
Installation of overlays spend in the following sequence:
- Move pistons of brake cylinders by means of special adaptation Ford 206-005 (12-014) inside скобы;
The prevention
The brake liquid from the main brake cylinder is thus squeezed out. The flowed out brake liquid is necessary for washing off water.
- Slightly clean a grinding skin a brake disk;
- Insert an internal overlay;
- Insert an external overlay;
- Stretch the spring holder through a lock sock;
- Establish скобу, having tightened bolts the moment 28 Нм;
- Establish a brake hose in an arm;
- Establish wheels;
- Lower the car on wheels;
- Press on a brake pedal, resistance will not be felt yet. Only after that overlays nestle on a brake disk;
- Check up level of a brake liquid in a tank. It is if necessary deleted superfluous quantity by means of a pipette or it is added to "move";
- Make a trial trip with new overlays cautiously. At crossroads some time slightly braking, dumping speed with 100 to 50 km/h.