Ford Fokus>> The power supply system>> The air filter>> Replacement and clearing of a filtering element

Fig. 193. Installation of the air filter: 1 — a sleeve of the air filter taking away; 2 — the gauge of the mass expense of air (MAF); 3 — a cover of the case of the air filter; 4 — a filtering element; 5 — the case of the air filter; 6 — a sleeve of the air filter bringing

The case of the air filter should not less than once a year to be cleared, and the filtering element is necessary for changing not later than in two years. For car Focus you can buy new filtering elements in shop of spare parts. It not necessarily should be an original detail, but nevertheless pay attention to quality of the goods as in shop it can appear and the poor-quality goods (fig. 193).
Replacement make in the following sequence:
- Turn away 4 bolts on a filter cover;
- Lift a cover and take out filtering element;
- Before installation of a new filtering element clear the filter case together with a cover a pure rag and blow compressed air. Pay attention that consolidations of a new filtering element lie without warps to a surface of the case of the air filter.