Ford Fokus>> Steering>> Replacement грязезащитных covers of the steering mechanism
Replacement spend in the following sequence:
- Remove a tip as it is described earlier. Count at removal quantity of turns or length of a carving;
- Remove collars with грязезащитных covers;
- Before installation clear cross-section draught and slightly grease both ends;
- Remove cautiously грязезащитный a cover from cross-section draught;
Fig. 270. Installation грязезащитного a cover: 1 — the pipeline; 2 — collars; 3 — грязезащитный a cover
- Establish new грязезащитный a cover, watch, that it гофры were not overwound, and landing corbels were established in flutes of the case and cross-section draught ( fig. 270);
- Tighten грязезащитный a cover new collars;
- Establish a tip of steering draught;
- Check up size of a convergence of forward wheels and steering wheel position, in case of need make adjustment in a workshop.