Ford Fokus>> Brake system>> Brake скоба and pistons of brake cylinders>> Working capacity check скобы and pistons of brake cylinders
At the defective or incorrectly established dustproof cuffs the dirt and a moisture get into brake cylinders. The working surface корродирует also is as consequence broken work of brake system.
Работотоспособность brake скобы check as follows:
- Remove and establish new brake overlays as it is described earlier;
- Check up presence of a free wheeling of overlays in directing, clear surfaces a firm tooth-brush and blow compressed air. During this work do not damage пыльники or do not break them from a landing place. Before installation of overlays grease contact surfaces;
- скоба should move freely. If is not present, clear, as it was described earlier, surfaces of sliding and easily grease температуроустойчивой with copper paste.