Ford Fokus>> Electric equipment>> External illumination>> It makes sense to carry with itself spare lamps
External illumination should function without fail. Therefore at trips have in the car the complete set of spare lamps.
On car Focus following lamps with rated voltage 12 are used In:
Headlights of passing light H4L/50 of Vt
Headlights of headlight H4L/55 of Vt
Antifog headlights H1/55 of Vt
Forward lamps of indexes of turn of 21 Vt
Llamas of lateral indexes of turn of 5 Vt
Forward lamps of dimensional light of 5 Vt
Back lamps of indexes of turn of 21 Vt
Back lamps of dimensional light of 5 Vt
Antifog lamps of a tail light of 21 Vt
Lamps of a signal of braking of 21 Vt
Lamps of light of a backing of 21 Vt
Lamps of a combination of devices of 5 Vt
Lamps of illumination of a luggage space of 5 Vt
Lamps of illumination of salon of 10 Vt
Lamps of individual fixtures of 5 Vt