Fig. 48. Dependence of capacity on turns for engine Zetec-SE of 1,4-1,6 l
Engine Zetec-SE was projected in close cooperation with firm Yamaha. The first engines ready to a batch production were tested on model Fiesta 1996 modelling years. As features of these engines it is possible to note their compactness, application of 4-perforated atomizers with electronic control, consecutive injection of fuel and a control system of engine EES-V.
The considerable part of internal units, according to Ford's tradition, paid off proceeding from firm standards. All details and engine knots are made and collected with fine precision, and also constant aspiration to lower weight characteristics of a design. Thanks to constructive decisions it was possible to reduce weight characteristics of details, to lower a friction of rubbing surfaces, to stabilise idling turns, to optimise quantity of harmful emissions, processes of burning of a fuel mix on all loadings and to raise comfort and maintainability of engines Zetec-SE.
The block and head of the block of cylinders, and also cases of the majority of the auxiliary units used in engines Zetec-SE, are made of the special aluminium alloyed alloys. For engines of series Zetec-E and two diesel variants blocks of cylinders are made of grey pig-iron.
For reduction of weight of a cover of valves of all engines of series Zetec are made of a magnesian alloy, the inlet pipeline — from thermoplastic artificial materials. In a block head two camshafts which operate four valves on each cylinder settle down. A number of constructive decisions creates preconditions for the subsequent modernisation: achievements of good results in decrease in noise and vibration, the maintenance of harmful emissions, expenses for the subsequent service. Thanks to modern high-strength materials valves of series Zetec-SE are checked each 100 000 km, and for engines Zetec-E and two diesel — for the first time after 150 000 km. Replacement of candles is provided after 60 000 km, and engine oil and the oil filter — after 15 000 km.
Zetec-SE — Good turns, приемистость and convenience in service
Both variants of engines of series SE have good мощностные twisting moment characteristics. Execution with volume 1,4 and 1,6 l differs from the piston stroke changed by a parity to diameter of the cylinder, other phases timing, and also valves of the smaller size. On engines of series Zetec-SE in the block of cylinders sleeves from grey pig-iron are established. In specially processed легкосплавные pistons are established wearproof piston rings.
The belt for a drive of auxiliary units works silently. The drive of the oil pump is carried out directly from a cranked shaft. The water pump, the pump of the amplifier of a steering, the generator and the conditioner compressor are resulted from a belt which does not demand service.
Two camshafts, located in a block head, operate inlet and final valves accordingly. The mechanism of a drive of valves is equipped by hydraulic pushers which automatically regulate a thermal backlash in valves. As a result while in service it is not required adjustments of valves. Demanded a belt tension it is carried out automatic натяжителем.
In a design it is possible not only to hear and feel positive innovations, but also to estimate. In conformity to standards NEFC the car with engine Zetec-SE in volume of 1,4 l spends on the average 6,4 l высокооктанового gasoline for 100 km of run, developing the maximum speed of 171 km/h and being dispersed to 100 km/h for 14,1 with. The car with the engine in working volume of 1,6 l spends 6,8 l for 100 km. Develops the maximum speed of 185 km/h and about 100 km/h for 10,9 are dispersed with.
Engine Zetec SE — that you should know
The codes of the engines which have been beaten out on a flange of a starter:
FXDA — the engine of release of 1,4 l till 2000 modelling years answers norms on toxicity EURO II (except Germany);
FYDA — the engine of release of 1,6 l till 2000 modelling years answers norms on toxicity EURO-II (except Germany);
FXDC — the engine of release of 1,4 l till 2000 modelling years answers norms on toxicity D-4 in Germany;
FYDC — the engine of release of 1,6 l till 2000 modelling years answers norms on toxicity D-4 in Germany;
FYDG — the engine of release of 1,6 l after 2000 modelling years answers norms on toxicity ECE-R 1504.
Cover of a head of the block in gathering
The head cover is made of a magnesian alloy. The cover lining at еt manufacture привулканизируется to the cover also cannot be replaced separately. Pay attention before cover installation to possible damages of a lining and in case of doubt replace completely assembly unit. The head cover is established on four hairpins. From below each fixing aperture massive rubber stoppers which are replaced separately are established. Before installation of a cover of a stopper it is necessary to grease with engine oil, excessive oil to wipe a pure rag. Old stoppers do not use.
Fig. 49. Designations of covers of bearings of camshafts: 1 — a cover of the bearing of a camshaft of final valves; 2 — a cover of bearings of a camshaft of inlet valves
The position of camshafts corresponding to position of the piston of the first cylinder in
ВМТ at a step of compression, is fixed at installation by the special template inserted into cuts at end faces of camshafts. For the gauge of an angle of rotation of a camshaft the camshaft of inlet valves has an additional cam. Before installation grease camshafts with pure engine oil. Covers of bearings have corresponding marks: from outside installations of pulleys of a gear belt the cover of the bearing of a camshaft of inlet valves has marks I, and final — Е1 (
fig. 49).
Fig. 50. Sequence of an inhaling of covers of bearings for two camshafts
At installation apply a thin film hermetic on interfaced to a head of the block of a surface of covers of forward bearings. If you are going to replace both cam-shafts or to change them on new, before check up seats under bearings on a head of the block of cylinders or on covers of bearings. At appreciable deterioration of bearings it is necessary for you to change a head of the block or the damaged cover of bearings (
fig. 50).
Head of the block of cylinders
The head of the block of cylinders is made of an aluminium alloy and established on the block of cylinders on directing plugs. New heads of cylinders are delivered in gathering with camshafts and valves. At presence рисок or damages привалочной surfaces the block head is not under repair and is not subject to grinding. Неплоскостность привалочной surfaces than 0,05 mm are supposed no more.
The temperature gauge of a head of the block (gauge CHT) is near to a spark plug of 3rd cylinder. It takes temperature of directly metal of a head of the block, instead of temperature of a cooling liquid. Gauge SNT — a product of disposable application because of its deformation at installation. At installation of the new gauge be attentive with штекерным contact, it especially easily breaks.
Lining of a head of the block
The lining of a head of the block is a multilayered metal lining. It is desirable to replace after each dismantle a lining with the new.
Drive газораспределительного the mechanism (ГРМ)
Both camshafts are set in motion by a gear belt directly from a cranked shaft. Cams of camshafts operate on pushers. A thermal backlash of valves establish after 100 000 km of run by means of adjusting washers from above a pusher. At the cold engine it makes 0,17—0,23 mm for inlet valves and 0,27—0,33 mm (for the engine of 1,6 l — 0,31—0,37 mm) — for final. Натяжитель a belt эксцентрикового type with a longitudinal groove. Service life of a gear belt makes 150 000 km of run or 10 years of operation.
The block of cylinders
The block of cylinders of engines of series Zetec-SE make of an aluminium alloy with sleeves from grey pig-iron. Ford delivers the block of cylinders only in gathering with cranked shaft and pistons. All oil channels and channels plum of a cooling liquid are closed by stoppers. If stoppers were dismantled that them it is necessary to replace with the new. Since September, 1999 on blocks are not put drain заглушки. On engines in volume of 1,6 l, unlike 1,4 l, repair of carving connections is not supposed.
Not to damage top привалочную a surface the block of cylinders it is established on a soft support. Неплоскостность привалочной surfaces should be in limits of 0,05 mm.
If it is necessary for you to replace the pump of water cooling try to address cautiously from it крыльчаткой. For the cars maintained in northern European countries, on engines it can be established heating индуктор for preliminary heating of the engine which is twisted in the block.
The krivoshipno-shatunnyj mechanism of the engine
Fig. 51. Adjusting details of a cranked shaft. For its installation one one-piece cover is used only
Fig. 49. Designations of covers of bearings of camshafts: 1 — a cover of the bearing of a camshaft of final valves; 2 — a cover of bearings of a camshaft of inlet valves
Do not try to remove a cranked shaft independently as you cannot replace the interfaced details separately because of small admissions in interface of bearings. The cover of radical bearings made of an aluminium alloy, fixes a cranked shaft in the block. Simple auxiliary means, for example with the help
картонки, you cannot measure in radical
подшиниках a backlash. If at your order is not present
нутромера and a micrometer, it is better to spend this work in a specialised workshop (
fig. 51).
Fig. 52. The piston and piston rings. Pay attention to cuts of separate rings
Pistons are produced from strong aluminium alloys. On pistons two are established
компрессионных rings of rectangular both step section and one below
маслосъемное (
fig. 52). Before installation at factory pistons are adjusted.
Oil картер
Fig. 53. Oil картер with a lining it is applied on engines of series Zetec
Aluminium oil
картеры protect engines of series Zetec-SE. Before installation oil
картера carefully clear
привалочную a surface and try to use a new lining. Since November, 1999 Ford instead of a lining has started to apply special pastelike hermetic. The hermetic containing
силоксан, put on condensed surfaces of the block of cylinders, a flange of the oil pump and landing surfaces of epiploons of a cranked shaft. Metal linings are not provided. Pay attention to sequence of an inhaling (from the middle outside cross-wise) and the moments of an inhaling of bolts (
fig. 53).
Remennyj pulley and гаситель крутильных fluctuations of a cranked shaft
At removal of a belt pulley and гасителя крутильных fluctuations phases timing can be broken, therefore you should check up them and if necessary to establish again as both a camshaft pulley, and located more low приводной a pulley of a gear belt without the screw tightened under the instruction freely rotate on cranked to a shaft. At pulley installation on cranked to a shaft apply fixing screw.
Fig. 58. Engine Zetec-SE cut: 1 — the mechanism of a drive of valves; 2 — the piston; 3 — маслоотражатель; 4 — маслоподающая a pipe; 5 — гаситель крутильных fluctuations; 6 — the water pump; 7 — a spark plug
Fig. 59. Engine Zetec-SE Front view: 1 — a camshaft of final valves; 2 — a camshaft of inlet valves; 3 — an inlet collector; 4 — маслоподающая a pipe; 5 — a cranked shaft; 6 — a final collector; 7 — натяжитель a gear belt; 8 — a pulley of a camshaft of final valves; 9 — a pulley of a camshaft of inlet valves