Ford Fokus>> Electric equipment>> The storage battery>> Check of level of electrolit
On cars at factory establish unattended batteries. Their service life, certainly, depends on service conditions such as: frequent start-up of the cold engine, prevailing trips on short distances with set of stops and movement in automobile stoppers, installation of additional consumers of the electric power (the conditioner, heating of front and back glasses etc.). Service life of modern batteries makes from three till five years. If you subsequently we will get the served battery from time to time check electrolit level in each element. The battery electrolit represents a water solution of sulfuric acid. Operation at heats, work with a faulty regulator of pressure lead to evaporation of water from electrolit. Add only the distilled water, tap water, as well as boiled, contains current-carrying salts and other mineral substances which can seriously damage to the battery.
At presence at you the served battery check of level of electrolit spend as follows:
- Electrolit level in batteries should be not below a mark min on its case;
- For electrolit addition turn away a cover or lift upwards by means of a screw-driver;
- Level of electrolit of the charged battery finish to the top mark (approximately on 15 mm above plates). Add only the distilled water;
- In сильноразряженную the battery add waters so much that has hardly covered plates as at gymnastics electrolit level considerably raises. After gymnastics add the distilled water to the top mark;
- Never pour electrolit above an accumulator label, it will lead to formation of acid crystals on a surface of the battery and round it. Crystals remove by means of a brass brush and then wash out water enough. Do not forget to disconnect before it a wire of "weight" from the negative plug of the storage battery;
- смойте crystals on battery plugs a warm solution of water and soda or remove by means of a special cleaner, for example, Neutralon firms Varta.
- Slightly grease battery plugs кислотозащитной with greasing Ft 40v1 (Bosch).