Ford Fokus>> Electric equipment>> The storage battery>> Gymnastics of the storage battery
The batteries removed from the car and long time not used are necessary for recharging. Remember that at low temperature the case of the discharged battery can burst, it does not threaten the charged battery. On the battery which is subject to gymnastics, remove a wire of "weight" from the negative plug. But before you remove the plug from the battery, write down codes of the receiver and its adjusted frequencies. The system of electronic control after plug removal "will forget" the most part of the information. It is switched to short time in emergency operation and restored after run of 16 km. If it does not occur, поезжайте in service centre Ford and reprogram the management block.
At gymnastics of the storage battery will perform works in a following order:
- Disconnect a wire of "weight" from the negative plug of the storage battery. Attach a wire зарядного devices with marks + on a clip to the positive plug of the battery, and with marks — — to negative;
- The current in the gymnastics beginning should make 10 % from capacity of the battery and during gymnastics automatically to go down;
- During gymnastics vials of hydrogen which, mixing up in premises with oxygen are formed, forms an explosive mix. Show care in the closed premises. If you feel a caustic smell, it means that concentration has reached dangerous limits;
Fig. 300. The storage battery removed from the car charge once a month
- Provide in gymnastics process reliable ventilation of a premise. It is especially important, when the high current of gymnastics proceeds. The explosive mix can ignite from a spark caused by joining or a detachment зарядного of devices, or a battery wire. Pay attention to instructions on safety ( fig. 300).