Ford Fokus>> Electric equipment>> The storage battery>> Check of the storage battery
Fig. 298. Measurement of density of electrolit ареометром
After you have checked up electrolit level, check up its density with the help ареометра. Ареометр measures electrolit density ( fig. 298). You as can measure pressure by means of a multimeter (with accuracy 0,02). On the basis of the measured pressure it is possible to define level заряженности batteries.
Measurement of density of electrolit spend in a following order:
- Check should be spent only after the battery a minimum 6 ч was able "rest";
- Turn away a stopper or uncover, depending on a battery design;
- Lower ареометр in electrolit. By means of "pear" ареометра drain in so much electrolit that the measuring float freely floated. At density of electrolit of 1,28 g/ml the battery is completely charged, at 1,2 g/ml — is half charged and 1,12 g/ml — is discharged.
Fig. 299. Measurement of pressure of the storage battery
Before pressure measurement include on 30 about a passing light of headlights if from the moment of last gymnastics of the battery has passed less than 6 ч. Switch off all consumers on 4—5 mines and measure pressure. If pressure makes 12,66 In and more the battery is charged if 12,48 In — only on 75 % and at 12,3 In — on 50 % ( fig. 299).